The Full Story
WHY life coaching
Coaching is having someone permanently on your side that is 100% committed to helping you get the results you want. For you, the key to re-igniting your passion & purpose lies in your growth. As a strategic intervention coach, I use proven strategies & techniques to create a customised plan to get you better outcomes and results than you would on your own.

history of life coaching
The history of the word "coach" goes back to the 15th Century to the village of Kocs (pronounced "koach") in Budapest, which transformed the transport industry in making a new, lighter and more rapid type of carriage.
The village of Kocs ended up being associated with travelling from one place to another in a rapid and efficient way.
And thus, "coaching" was born.
Life coaching is also an old profession and has been around for centuries - only we did not call them "life coaches" but rather, teachers or philosophers.
From Jesus of Nazareth, Plato, Aristotle to Socrates, they would all be considered life coaches today as they:
Asked powerful questions
Gave incredible insight into life and human behaviour
Helped and supported others
Shared wisdom and used techniques such as metaphors to change people's beliefs
strategic intervention
what's it all about
Strategic Intervention (also known as SI) is a project dedicated to extracting the most practical and effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplines: Ericksonian therapy, strategic family therapy, Human Needs Psychology, organizational psychology, neurolinguistics, psychology of influence, strategic studies, traditions of diplomacy and negotiation, and others.
The aim of Robbins-Madanes Training in Strategic Intervention Coaching is: To develop an eminently practical method for taking action in a strategic way to get things done so that human needs are fulfilled and elevated.
We believe numerous traditions of Strategic Intervention exist wherever human beings use extraordinary skill to bring about positive personal and cultural change. Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi are examples of masterful Strategic Interventionists that transcend the particularities of religion, culture, institution, job description, or political philosophy (as Strategic Intervention should.) What distinguishes SI from other strategic studies is the belief that certain holistic solutions “snap into place” when more people’s needs are met, expressed, and elevated. Why? Because our solutions are based on the principle of growth and contribution. Any change, when it is reinforced by growth and contribution, not only “sticks”, but it goes on to positively influence hundreds of other people. These solutions actually deliver more benefit for less effort